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USoS 2022 State Song Selections

Welcome back everyone - I know it's been a while, and it's been a classic hectic March. But I'm excited to share with you some amazing news: along with the state song selections beginning for California, New York, and Texas - we have four *MORE* selections ongoing this year! More on that below.

Today, the video recaps for choosing three of the most competitive states' entries went up on our YouTube channel. These states -- California, New York, and Texas -- shall be chosen from a group of 8 or 10 songs each that were suggested by our committee as well as fellow fans.

We need you to help us choose which songs shall represent these states this year by voting for your favorites. You can do that by clicking the "Vote" tab at the top of our website page, or by clicking VOTE below:

This link takes you directly to the voting form, which includes recap videos and links to the full playlist of songs. There's no way you should miss hearing the songs in full, and if you listen to the recaps first it takes (at the very least) around 5-10 minutes to vote in each state's selection. Are you sitting around bored at home, waiting for ASC to begin? Needing new music to fill your ears after all the ESC songs are out? Might as well listen to some awesome music and participate in our voting. You'll have fun, I promise!

As mentioned earlier, there are four more state song selections going on this year, which are being run by the users of the USoS Community on the Song Contest Forums website. They are Colorado, Michigan, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Warning in advance: to vote in these selections, you will need to sign up on the forum website. This limitation does not apply to the CA, NY, and TX selections.

The deadline to vote is March 31st. No late votes will be accepted. This is actually the deadline for all songs to be decided and submitted, so hop to it!

Thanks, and best of luck to all participating artists! Our next USoS blogs will introduce this year's entrants, so stay tuned. The ASC hype is building, as well - and we have so much to talk about!



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