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50SS 2019: Jury Applications, State Selections, Semifinal Draw


Today we're excited to open the Jury application form for 50 States of Song 2019. For those of you who are interested in voting as a jury member in this year's contest, please click the link below!



Additionally, the song submission window is only open for one more week! After that, the song selection committee will select which songs will represent *most* of the entrants.

...that is, except three! Yes, there will be three state song selections open to the public; they are California, New York, and Tennessee. We received so many songs for these states that they deserve to have a democratic voice. I've personally welcomed Tennessee as a tradition - an annual song selection, so expect them to always have a public decision. The state song selections will open on February 9.


Because we are beginning to sort out the details of the contest, we must confirm that we once again have two semifinals. Each semifinal comprises of 25 songs. 49 states and one territory will compete for 24 open spots in the Final Round; Alaska's entry pre-qualifies, since they are the hosts of the contest. The top 12 from each semifinal will proceed to the Final Round.

In order to organize the jury members into semifinals, we must have some idea about who will participate in which semifinal! Therefore, we have drawn randomly from a bin, and picked 25 states. The 25 we picked are to be in Semifinal 1; running order will be decided at a later time.

Semifinal 1:

1. Alabama

2. Colorado

3. Connecticut

4. Georgia

5. Hawaii

6. Idaho

7. Illinois

8. Indiana

9. Maine

10. Maryland

11. Massachusetts

12. Minnesota

13. Missouri

14. Nevada

15. New Hampshire

16. New Mexico

17. North Dakota

18. Ohio

19. Oklahoma

20. Pennsylvania

21. South Carolina

22. Tennessee

23. Vermont

24. Washington

25. Wyoming

This means the remaining 25 are to be in Semifinal 2:

Semifinal 2:

1. Arizona

2. Arkansas

3. California

4. Delaware

5. Florida

6. Iowa

7. Kansas

8. Kentucky

9. Louisiana

10. Michigan

11. Mississippi

12. Montana

13. Nebraska

14. New Jersey

15. New York

16. North Carolina

17. Oregon

18. Rhode Island

19. South Dakota

20. Texas

21. Utah

22. Virginia

23. West Virginia

24. Wisconsin

25. U.S. Territory or Washington D.C. (to be determined)

Thank you to everyone, and get those songs in - time is running out!

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